
Like food on the table, coffee in the cup is truly miraculous, all done well by our standards.
Phone (888) 123-4567

Farm & Café
Coffee Shop

Remarkable Coffee..

The Coffee Shop Café provides remarkable coffee, handcrafted tea and a growing menu of house made offerings to eat. Join us for coffee made right.




Coffee Menu



sm | med | large

Flat White


sm | med | large | xlarge

Ristretto Bianco


sm | med | large

Caffe Latte


sm | med | large | xlarge



sm | med | large



sm | med | large | xlarge

Stop in for Coffee Today!

Our Baristas are trained in house in order to perfect the delicate arts of grinding, tamping, and steaming to bring out the subtle nuanced flavors you simply will not be able to savor at larger chains.


"Farm & Cafe Coffee Shop has the best coffee around! I love the macchiato with whipped cream. The sizes are just right and the service is friendly and prompt.”

Michael Robert

"Farm & Cafe Coffee Shop has the best coffee around! I love the macchiato with whipped cream. The sizes are just right and the service is friendly and prompt.”

Joe S.

"Farm & Cafe Coffee Shop has the best coffee around! I love the macchiato with whipped cream. The sizes are just right and the service is friendly and prompt.”

Ted Flavor

Like food on the table, coffee in the cup is truly miraculous, all done well by our standards.
Phone (888) 123-4567